University Performances

Student Help Center

Student Support

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Student Help Center

Student Help Center

No Poverty

The Student Development Division provides counselling services to ensure that students have strong mental health, provide assistance and solve problems so that students can live a happy life and graduate as desired, with direct psychology advisors. Services to students also provide advices in other areas as follows:
1. Problem answering service via telephone hotline Students can call to inquire.
2. Various information services regarding finding part-time work, which allows students to have work and income

The Student Development Division is very aware of this matter and organizes an independent career training program with practical training for interested students every year. You can follow it on the Student Development Division website:
for part-time job search website:
Student Loan ,

KPRU also assign each class advisor and the advisors made regular meeting with their advisees. the meetings aimed at helping the students study happily and finish on time.

Student Advisors 2022