University Performances

Fight against Poverty in Klong Lan

Outreach and Engagement

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Fight against Poverty in Klong Lan

Fight against Poverty in Klong Lan

No Poverty

The richness in cultural and natural resources makes Klonglan a perfect area for tourism. For tourism business to be successful, more effective mechanism and management is needed so that the local people can benefit from these capitals. To achieve that, Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences operates a project that is based mainly on using both natural and cultural strengths to promote community tourism entitled "Project for improving Quality of Life and increasing Income for Grassroot Communities through Natural and Cultural Tourism". The team holds meetings with all sectors from each of the 4 sub-districts to discuss the cultural and natural resources specific to the area, the area potentials, the needs of the people, and the possible project proposals. Each subdistrict runs activities with helps from all the parties and and guidance from the university experts. The success is concrete with more income and business opportunities going into the area.

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Fight against Poverty in Klong Lan Fight against Poverty in Klong Lan Fight against Poverty in Klong Lan